Upsizing in Dunoon or Glasgow: What You Need to Know

Upsizing in Dunoon or Glasgow: What You Need to Know

Are you thinking of upsizing in 2025? Knowing what type of upsizer you are is the first step to finding the perfect new home.

Upsizing for more room

This is THE number one upsizing reason bar none. You're considering upsizing because you want, need – or are absolutely desperate for – more inside space.

There are many reasons for needing more room. Any or all of them can be very good reasons for upsizing.

Maybe you have growing children or are planning more. Perhaps you'd like to have elderly relatives come live with you. Maybe you need a home office to work from home. Could it be you want more space for entertaining, or so you can have guests stay over? Or do you just need more room to store all your stuff?

Upsizing for more land

While some upsizers need more internal space, moving to get more outside space is also a popular reason.

Maybe you want private parking. Perhaps you want a garden for your kids or dogs. Or maybe a good-sized veggie plot. Or would you like your own smallholding – or even fancy going entirely off-grid?

Upsizing to go upmarket

"Who wants the bother of a country estate? Or a marble swimming pool? “(As Frank Sinatra once asked in the classic 1950s film High Society.)

Well, some people do. And if that's you, why not?

You may want to upsize because you want a bigger, swankier, more luxurious home. Maybe you want a drive-in-drive-out driveway. Or a double staircase. Or a home cinema room, gym or – yes – even a swimming pool.

Upsizing for your financial future

If you've got some spare money – perhaps from a wage rise, an inheritance, a pension drawdown or any other source – then upsizing your home could be a very sound place to invest it for the future.

In the last few decades, money put into property has usually grown much faster than money put into a savings account.

So, upsizing to a bigger house now could provide an incredible nest egg for your future. Plus, it's something you can enjoy in the meantime.

Upsizing for no particular reason

The truth is, there's absolutely nothing wrong with upsizing for no reason in particular. You can upsize just because you want to.

Whatever kind of upsizer you are, your first step should be to contact a good estate agent.

They can give you sound advice on selling your existing home. And they might even be able to help you find your new one too.

If you know someone thinking of upsizing their home, please share this article with them.

Check out our range of free guides including Guide to Selling Your Home When Upsizing.

Do you know we offer 3 types of valuation for your home? Choose which type suits you best by clicking below.

Scottish Property Centre have branches in Dunoon, Cardonald and Shawlands covering the Argyll and Glasgow property markets. We have local experts serving local people.

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