As we approach the end of the year and look ahead to a new season in our lives, we start to make resolutions and goals to make the next year our year. High on the list every year is to find and move into a dream home, and 2021 could be the year you make this a reality…

Around 1.5 million UK citizens are currently working remotely, and this number is only set to increase. While there are benefits of home working, many struggle with finding the space and may consider adding an extra room, which begs the question – should you go for a home office or a garden office?

These are two schemes that are aimed at helping people get onto the property ladder. They are available to those that would not otherwise be able to purchase a house on the open market. However, many people get confused about the differences between the two, so we take a look at which scheme could be right for you.

Struggling to find the right home? Don’t forget the golden rules of the property game…

With so many of us taking our work out of the office and into our homes, there has never been a more popular time to rethink the study space in your very own home. Follow the tips below to know how to implement your work life into your own home.

When it comes to renting a property from a landlord, there should be a section in your tenancy agreement that stipulates you are responsible for paying council tax, along with other utility bills and services for the property. Throughout this guide we have highlighted the simple principles around council tax and what you need to know about it.

Quite a good number of people believe that getting their tenancy deposit back is impossible, or have the mentality that their landlords will do or look for any possible reason to hold back their security deposits. However, we can confirm that there are landlords who can't wait to hand you over your security detail as per your agreements.

When you are viewing a rental property with the mind set to move in, there are likely to be a thousand questions running through your head. However, with so much to think about, making sure that you ask the right question isn’t always easy. To help you make sure that you know all the key things for your prospective rental home, here are the top 5 questions that tenants should always ask during a viewing.

We know that the idea of house sharing isn’t for everyone; however, living with other people in a house can actually be a great idea for some. So, if you are considering house sharing as an option then here are some of the pros and cons to keep in mind.

Over the past years, cases of rogue landlords have crept their way in. This gives the letting industry a negative reputation. Although, you may find that from ten landlords, only a small number have unprofessional tendencies, masking the entire industry negatively. Having a peaceful and fruitful encounter with the landlord is every tenant's desire. To achieve this, we have outlined some of the issues you may consider avoiding to fulfill your desire. This applies whether you are looking for a house from the available online portals or the physical search. Read on!

When it comes to renting a property it is important to know what you are getting into, particularly if it is something you are doing for the first time. It is easy to be caught out, so follow our handy checklist to make sure you are doing it right.

Renting a home might have always been seen as a lesser to buying one, but what you may not realise is that there are plenty of benefits to renting a home rather than owning one. One of the biggest benefits is that when things go wrong within the house, 9 times out of 10 it is not going to be something that you need to pay out (or organise) to be fixed. So, when is a maintenance repair job something to do with you and when do you need to leave it up to your landlord?